DSP island

2023-10-25| Category: System Architecture Design, Desktop Software Design| website:

DSP island

Simplify complex DSP systems with infinite connectivity

The MIMO DSP Platform, introduced in 2021, struck a chord with signal processing developers as a native development platform for rapid signal processing. In 2023, DSP island was born, inheriting the genes of the MIMO DSP Platform. The new module concept not only enables rapid development, but also ensures flexibility in signal processing.

We provide the best tools for each development stage, such as C++ for developing signal processing core modules and Python or GUI for connecting between blocks. Go beyond prototyping to a new world with DSP island, which enables the development of new signal processing systems.

DSP island official website

Use case

  • Immersive Audio Processing System
  • Multi-camera video processing system
  • Wireless Communication Processing Systems
DSP island
System Architecture Design/ Desktop Software Design/